Related Projects

BULLSEYE ‐ A harmonized response to chemical and biological terrorism

April 2019 – March 2023

Are you interested in chemical and biological terrorism mitigation?

Bullseye’s goal is to further improve the knowledge and skills of first responders in all EU member states on how to prevent terrorist attacks using CBRN agents and explosives, as well as on how to properly mitigate and respond to a chemical or biological attack.

DAREnet ‐ DAnube river region Resillience Exchange network

September 2017 – August 2022

Are you interested in flood resilience in the Danube River Region?

DAREnet is a network of practitioners dealing with flood resilience in the Danube River Region, supported by a continuously evolving multi-disciplinary community of stakeholders consisting of policy makers, academics, industry and many more.

Driver+ ‐ Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience

May 2014 – April 2020

Are you intersted in an innovation plattform for crisis management?

Launched in May 2014, DRIVER+ (Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience) is a project funded under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, whose main aim is to cope with current and future challenges due to increasingly severe consequences of natural disasters and terrorist threats, by the development and uptake of innovative solutions that are addressing the operational needs of practitioners dealing with Crisis Management.

ENCIRCLE ‐ European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster

March 2017 – September 2021

Are you interested in a market cluster on CBRN?

To improve its resilience to new CBRN attacks and threats, the EU needs a specialized, competitive, efficient and sustainable industry. Capitalizing on its experience in the EDEN Demonstration Project, other CBRN relevant projects, and in the CBRN market and supply chain, the ENCIRCLE consortium proposes an innovative approach to reach this goal in a short to long term perspective. Once achieved it will allow SMEs and large industries to deliver and invest in the best innovations on the market.

ENLETS ‐ European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services

March 2017 – September 2021

Are you law enforcement personell interested in networking with other practitioners?

The European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services is an active network of Law Enforcement agencies that are sharing best practices, activates co-creation and stimulates research for law enforcement. The activities of ENLETS are supported by the European Commission and the European Agencies, such as Europol and EU-Lisa.

FIRE-IN ‐ The first European Fire and Rescue Innovation Network

May 2017 – April 2022

Are you looking for a fire and rescue practitioner network?

To create, improve, animate and develop the first european Fire & Rescue Network, delivering solutions for safer European societies: Improve the Fire & Rescue services capabilities Develop process by fostering innovation Promote cutting edge solutions to recognise operational needs.

i-LEAD ‐ Innovation - Law Enforcement Agencies Dialogue

Sept 2017 – August 2022

Are you interested in security research and the technology market for law enforcement?

i-LEAD will build the capacity to monitor the security research and technology market in order to ensure a better matching and uptake of innovations by law enforcement agencies with the overarching aim to make it a sustainable Pan-Europan LEA network.

ILEAnet ‐ Innovation by Law Enforcement Agencies networking

June 2017 – May 2022

Are you looking for a law enforcement practitioner network?

ILEAnet aims to build a sustainable organisational Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) practitioners network focused on research & innovation addressing LEA challenges, together with a community of individuals interested to exchange and collaborate in this area. By encouraging such discussion between practitioners and experts from academia and industry, the project will stimulate LEA capabilities to influence, develop and take up research, development and innovation (RDI) that is useful and usable for LEAs, and thus help them to tackle the major challenges they face.

IN-PREP ‐ An INtegrated next generation PREParedness programme for improving effective inter-organisational response capacity in complex environments of disasters and causes of crises

September 2017 – February 2021

Are you interested in collaborative response planning?

IN-PREP will create a training system that enables response agencies to train, plan and collaborate together, so that responders will be better prepared for transboundary crises and more lives may be saved.

INCLUDING ‐ Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies

August 2019 – July 2024

Are you looking for training for radiological and nuclear emergencies?

INCLUDING is seek to provide a full-fledged and comprehensive training in the RN security sector at European level. Starting from the existing training resources of the Partners in the Consortium, in most cases developed in the framework of EC projects, INCLUDING aims to enhance practical know-how and to boost a European sustainable training and development framework for practitioners in the RN Security sector. Far from being a simple aggregation of entities separated geographically and with complementary expertise, INCLUDING is intended to be a cluster of facilities and resources pursuing a Federated Model in which individual components will cooperate together to provide a common framework for optimizing the exploitation of all the potentialities available in the Cluster.

MELODY ‐ To define, develop and deploy a harmonised CBRN training curriculum for first responders and medical staff

Are you looking for a harmonized CBRN training curriculum for the emergency medical sector?

The general objective of this project is to design, develop, test, improve and quality assure a harmonised CBRN training curriculum for (CBRN) first responders and medical staff, taking into consideration: what training programmes, curricula and materials already exist, what is being used and valued by training institutes in Europe, practitioner’s needs and possible cultural differences.

NO-FEAR ‐ Network Of practitioners For Emergency medicAl systems and cRitical care

June 2018 – May 2023

Are you looking for a practitioner network in the emergency medical sector?

NO-FEAR is a 5-year (June 2018 – May 2023) Coordination and Support Action project that will bring together a pan-European and beyond network of emergency medical care practitioners, suppliers, decision and policy makers to collaborate and exchange knowledge, good practices, and lessons learned. Members of the network will have the opportunity to work together and collaborate to develop a common understanding of the innovation potential that fills operational gaps and pinpoint areas for future research. This multi-disciplinary, multi-national, and multi-sectorial collaboration will be supported by virtual tools, including the NO-FEAR platform and networking events (e.g., workshops, demonstrations, exercises) every 6 months.

PANDEM-2 ‐ Pandemic Preparedness and Response

February 2021 – January 2023

Are you interested in European preparation for future pandemics?

PANDEM-2 is a H2020 EU-funded project that aims to develop new solutions for efficient, EU-wide pandemic management. The goal of PANDEM-2 is to prepare Europe for future pandemics through innovations in training and to build capacity between EU member states responding to pandemics on a cross-border basis.

PEERS‐ PracticE Ecosystem for standaRdS

November 2022 – October 2025

Are you interested in practitioner-driver standardisation?

The overall objective of PEERS is to advance and reinforce existing policy through practitioner-driven pre-normative standardisation processes, which will enhance the development of a European Better Practice ecosystem.

PROACTIVE ‐ PReparedness against CBRNE threats through cOmmon Approaches between security praCTItioners and the VulnerablE civil society

May 2019 – April 2022

Are you interested in the impact of CBRNe threats on vulnerable groups?

Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear & Explosive (CBRNe) incidents, whether accidental or terrorist-based, can have a high impact on society. PROACTIVE aims to increase practitioner effectiveness in managing large and diverse groups of people in a CBRNe environment.

RESIST ‐ REsilience Support for critical Infrastructures' through Standardized Training on CBRN

November 2019 – October 2021

Are you interested in standardized CBRN training regarding critical infrastructures?

RESIST project focuses on standardizing CBRN training for public and private operators of Critical Infrastructures.

SHOTPROS ‐ VR training for police response to emergencies

May 2019 – April 2022

Are you looking for VR training for police?

SHOTPROS aims to improve the training for European Police officers. The influence of psychological and contextual human factors (HFs) on the behaviour of decision-making and acting (DMA) of police officers under stress and in high-risk operational situations will be investigated. Based on the results, SHOTPROS will develop a HF-rooted training curriculum and a corresponding VR training solution to provide a comprehensive framework for practical training.

Stair4Security ‐ Standards, Innovation and Research for Security

January 2019 – December 2020

Are you interested in standardisation in the CBRNe Sector?

The main objective of STAIR4SECURITY is to create a collaborative platform as single entry point of information on the security sector coming mostly from research activities allowing a better governance of standardization needs in the Disaster Resilience and Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNe) sectors. The platform will permit a better overview of current and new projects being at, national, European or International level; ensuring more coordination between all stakeholders and responding more efficiently and timely to the critical needs following an agreed strategic vision and identified priorities.

TERRIFFIC ‐ Tools for early and Effective Reconnaissance in cbRne Incidents providing First responders Faster Information and enabling better management of the Control zone

May 2018 – April 2021

Are you interested in tools for CBRNe reconnaissance?

The core mission of TERRIFFIC is to develop a comprehensive system of complementary, interconnected and modular software and hardware components. Individually they will substantially enrich the European response to CBRNe events, but together, as an integrated TERRIFFIC System made available to all EU practitioners on the ENCIRCLE Catalogue, they will enable a step-change to the response in the initial hours.

TRANSTUN ‐ Transnational Tunnel Operational CBRN Risk Mitigation

May 2017 – April 2019

Are you interested in CBRN risk mitigation for transnational tunnels?

EU-founded project "TRANSnational TUNnel operational CBRN risk mitigation". Public-Private initiative addressing the #CBRN risk in EU cross-border tunnels.

VERTIgO ‐ Virtual Enhanced Reality for inTeroperable training of CBRN military and civilian Operators

December 2021 – November 2023

Are you interested in virtual reality training for CBRN operators?

Objectives: 1. Create and design an innovative and inter-operable CBRN VR training system for EU military actors, capable of integrating with civilian first responders’ requirements, called EESP (European Exercises Simulation Platform). 2. Create and design harmonized and interoperable CBRN VR simulation scenarios both for military and civilian first responders. 3. Design, prototype and validate the first integrated CBRN VR Mask to be used with the EESP system.